Practice Areas
Family Law
All family law issues are difficult emotionally and legally. The decisions you make today will affect the rest of your life. Whether you are dealing with divorce, child custody, child support or parenting time, you need a lawyer you can trust and dep…
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Divorce / Dissolution
Divorces are complicated, but we have likely answered your question before and can help you get through this difficult time. The divorce attorneys at Robinson | Duffy, PLLC are experienced in finding temporary solutions while the divorce is pending a…
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Child Custody
In Minnesota, a court looks at your child’s best interests in establishing custody. This is a detailed analysis that includes many different factors – factors that focus on your children and what custody arrangement is best for them. If you are j…
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Parenting Time
Parenting time, sometimes referred to as “visitation,” addresses when divorcing or separated parents will spend with their children. Parenting time schedules need to be creative and thorough so they are not only in the best interests of the child…
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Child Support
Separated and divorced parents have a legal obligation to support their children financially. In Minnesota, there are a number of different factors used to determine guideline child support, including the gross incomes of the parents, the allocation…
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Property Division
One aspect of the divorce process is the division of the marital property and debt. In Minnesota assets, debts and property are divided equitably. At Robinson | Duffy, PLLC, our Minneapolis property division attorneys strive to find solutions that ar…
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Spousal Maintenance
Spousal maintenance, sometimes referred to as alimony or spousal support, is a very complex area of the law. In Minnesota, there is no fixed formula for determining the amount or duration of spousal maintenance. The court will look at a number of dif…
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Third-Party Custody & Visitation
Third-party custody is often requested by a grandparent or relative because they are concerned about the well-being and safety of a child in the care of the biological parents. Other times, the child has already been in the care of a relative, and th…
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Grandparent Rights
In Minnesota, grandparents may have visitation rights to see their grandchildren if such contact is in the best interests of the children and will not interfere with the relationship between the children and parent(s). Grandparents may seek to establ…
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In Minnesota, if parents are not married when their child is born, all custodial rights to the child are automatically awarded to the mother. Even if the father signs a Recognition of Parentage at the hospital and/or if his name is on the birth certi…
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Modification of Child Support or Spousal Maintenance
The law does not expect your life to remain exactly as it was when you were divorced or when custody of your child was established. If you have changed jobs, been laid-off, become ill or disabled, you may be able to modify your child support or spous…
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Modification of Custody or Parenting Time
Parenting time schedules often change. The schedule you agreed to at the time of your original divorce or custody order may no longer be in your child’s best interest. Children’s development needs change as they grow older. Accordingly, parenting…
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Enforcement of Court Orders
Obtaining a court order is an essential step in all family law matters; however, the ability to enforce the order is the most meaningful part of the process to most people. The courts in Minnesota have the power to enter “contempt” orders against…
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Antenuptial (Prenuptial) and Postnuptial Agreements
Antenuptial agreements, also commonly referred to as prenuptial or pre-marital agreements, are strictly controlled by Minnesota statutes and case law. These agreements are contracts entered before a marriage and commonly include provisions for divisi…
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Even in a family law or divorce matter, sometimes the district court gets it wrong. In those circumstances, you have the right to appeal a final order to the Minnesota Court of Appeals. There are specific rules and strict deadlines in place with rega…
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Limited-Scope Representation
When you cannot afford to pay for an attorney to handle your entire case, limited-scope representation can be a great way for you to retain legal services on a limited basis to keep your costs down. Limited-scope representation allows you to hire an…
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Orders for Protection (OFP) / Harassment Restraining Orders (HRO)
If you are scared for your safety, are being harassed, or if you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, you need a dedicated attorney at your side protecting your rights. At Robinson | Duffy, PLLC, we provide aggressive and experienced repre…
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Step-Parent Adoptions
As a growing number of families blend through marriage, step-parent adoption is becoming more common in the Minnesota. Adopting a step-child grants full parental rights to the adoptive parent, making it a serious legal move as well as an emotional ev…
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Business Law & Formation
At Robinson | Duffy, PLLC, we help entrepreneurs realize their dreams of owning their own business. We work to understand our clients’ long-term objectives and personal goals. As Minneapolis business attorneys, we can help you organize your new bus…
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